Friday, April 8, 2011


“What is the most resilient parasite? Bacteria? A virus? An intestinal worm? An idea. Resilient and highly contagious. Once an idea has taken hold in the brain, it is almost impossible to eradicate it.”

Leonardo DiCaprio in Inception

The people in our society is extremely good at unknowingly (sometimes willingly) yoking itself with an ‘entire herd of cattle.’ As individuals, when we start yoking ourselves to other peoples ideas, thoughts, actions, and ideals, we begin to walk a dangerous line. Not all ideas are bad, nor are all thoughts, but when we continue to ‘turn left with the herd’, we find ourselves going a little bit more off the path then we started.

The concept of inception (the planting of an idea or series of ideas into ones mind, with the purpose to make them believe that the idea is their own) even happened during the dawn of man.

“Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field that the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman [Eve], “Has God indeed said, ‘You shall not eat of every tree in the garden’?” And the woman said to the serpent, “We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden; but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, ‘You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die’.””
Genesis 3:1-3 (NKJV)

As we all know the serpent lies to the woman saying that ‘the fruit is good, just do it’.
                                                        And she does…
 She eats the fruit.

The woman took the serpent’s idea that ’you would be like God’ and decided that because it seemed accurate enough, that she and her husband should ‘join the herd’. This may be viewed as an extreme example, but I believe that the desires of today are fueled by the desires of the day before. If this was what people at the dawn of the world dealt with, it is not wonder that we are still yoking ourselves to ridiculous ideas and actions.

Whether you think that war is a waste, or becoming vegan is ‘the healthy choice’, if the foundation of those beliefs are taken from somebody else’s foundation, and their foundation, from another.

You are not FOLLOWING the leader.
You are being LEAD by the following.

Facebook is one of the largest time sinks in our society today. Young and old, people spend hours of their day on the internet, ‘making new friends’, ‘joining groups’ and ‘poking’ each other. What do you think about it?

Social: marked by friendly companionship with others. ‘a social cup of coffee’
Companionship: the state of being with someone.
Neglect: willful lack of care and attention.
Dictionary App on Apple iPad

I find it funny that the largest social networking site in the World today, is responsible for the a majority of social inactivity. A company was able to transform companionship into willful neglect.

Growing up in a Christian household I was taught to tithe. Ten percent was what I would usually give. As I ended up making more, I would continue to give that ten percent. But, I soon began to realize that when I gave ten percent, it wasn’t enough. I wanted to give more. So I did.

I more recently decided to give time each day to the Lord. I was determined, that ten percent would be too much and I wasn’t prepared to give that. 2 hours and 40 minutes every day. It seems like a lot to some, and to others you may be thinking, only 2 hours and 40 minutes?. I am working on growing in this discipline currently.

The reason I mentioned this is that, If I was to be logged into facebook, playing videogames, watching television for a couple hours a day. How much time am I leaving aside for God? I use the words ‘leaving aside’, purposefully.

I used to have my computer running, videogames, while the television in the background, would be playing movies. Eight or more hours of each day. I had ‘joined the herd’. Being yoked with the herd, I was being driven away from what I was created for. My purpose. I was tithing more to the herd than to my King.

A blog back I was writing about the whisper of your generation...

What is it? What does it sound like? Are you willing to fight for your whispers to become your warcry?

Don’t sit silently by as you, your friends, your family, and countless others, begin to join the herd. Make the choices that are right for you. Build your foundation with what God is saying. Not what I am saying or some Joe Blow down the street is doing. Challenge yourself and others around you to check your ideas, views and outlooks. Because…

there won’t be facebook in Heaven.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

African Update - April

Originally ministering in Busia, Kenya, in mid March we switched ministries and took a 24 hour bus ride(s) to Lira, Uganda. Our travel day, or should I say night, we hopped on a bus only to make it half of our journey, before our bus died, and we had to wait to get a new one. This took hours as they had to send a new bus from Nairobi. The bus was tested (multiple times) and we then started off on our way. This delay was what made our 12-14 hour journey, double in time.

As we arrive here we were greeted by the VERY friendly staff at the hotel we are staying at. It is a lovely place and Ugandan’s are the “nicest people” of East Africa (self proclaimed). I would tend to agree with this statement. Uganda is much greener than Kenya, and since the rainy season has begun, rain is happening almost every other day. The mornings are crisp and the evenings are just cool enough, almost cold at times.

The team is working with Victory Outreach Church which has MANY ministries to be involved in. They are partnered with other International ministries such as Crossroads, and Compassion. We have been able to work in the compassion office, and meet many of the orphan children that sponsors in the America’s and Europe support monthly. The team has met many international people here.

Canadians, Brits and Norwegians, OH MY! 

Time here has been tough for many of the team. The honeymoon is over and as some count the days until seeing their family *waves to mom and dad*, while others are not looking for it to end. A safe place to fight for your relationship with God. For myself, it has proven to be tough to serve during this time. Africa has a heavy spiritual climate. Much different from America. Many African communities are influenced by the ways of witch doctoring. Though it’s affects are not always evident at first glance. Pastors and those involved in the Christian church here can usually point out someone who is being spiritually oppressed.

I will be returning to America in only a matter of weeks, but this blog will continue.
I am always encouraged by your comments, and am thankful for all your prayers.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Warcry of a Generation

Growing up in a Christian household, I knew all of the classic bible stories, I did a good job with memory work and sword drills, and I had a basic knowledge of the interpretation of certain verses. I remember that I had Matthew 17:20 shared with me, at a young age.

“So Jesus said to them, “Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.”” - Matthew 17:20

It goes on to say that “this kind [of demon] can only come out with prayer and fasting.” I had never read or heard the second part of the verse, until years later.

I took verse twenty extremely literally. Each day I would look out one of the windows on the back of the house, and ask God to move the hill in the park from where it was (left side of my vision from my house), to the middle of the farmers field (directly behind my house). Needless to say I never saw it happen. Now I wasn’t praying and fasting at age 10, but I believed it could happen! I knew it would happen, it had to!

I also shared this same fascination with the story of Elijah in 1 Kings 18. I would pray each day to see fire from heaven. I mean, “How sweet would that be?”. My intentions were good, and I still pray to see it happen today.

What does this have to do with “The Warcry of a Generation?” 
A Theory:

Let’s look at current events of the past few years.

Earthquakes occurred in Thailand, Philippines, New Zealand, Japan, Haiti. Some of which resulted in Tsunamis. Australia saw one of the worst flooding situations in the world in recent years. I believe that you may be starting to see where I am headed with this…

Natural disasters happen, I get it! 
But what if…

What if a generation is rising up? A generation not satisfied with business attire, bulging bank accounts and bird-feather beds. A generation whose faith in the spiritual is MOVING the physical! Instead of moving mountains, they are shifting plates beneath the earth’s surface. They are starting to act on their faith. They are starting a revolution! It started as a spark and is being fanned into flame.

What if this generation’s faith is only whispering? What if  they are still learning their warcry. They know what they want to scream, but so many of their voices have been suppressed. Voices taken by years of being called stupid and past relationship abuses. Years of listening to the enemies lies!

What will our world look like when they find their voice?

What if we didn’t look at natural disasters as “disasters”, but instead “Faith Moving the Natural, while Residing in the Spiritual.” A generation’s faith able to move nations! Faith, splitting bank accounts of CEO’s, crushing the temples of distant gods, breaking bonds of religion, destroying shrines of the fearful!

When faith is not bound up in fear, anxiety, lies, religion, self... Faith moves!

 Where is your voice amongst your generation? 

Friday, March 18, 2011

The House that Love Built!

Fortunately, I was able to take pictures of the mission house that has been built in Busia, Kenya. 

Unfortunately I was unable to upload them to both Facebook and this blog. Below is the link to the Facebook album. They will be updated to the blog ASAP. Please feel free to comment.

May God Bless You!

Friday, February 25, 2011

So A Christian Man Walks Into A Mosque

An experiment if I may. I was curious....
I know that as the saying goes, curiosity killed the cat. I am fortunate not to be a cat.

Let Me Explain:
Some of you may know that months ago the Lord put on my heart a ministry called BibleDump. A Holy Spirit driven ministry that looks to use the Spirits leading in getting the God News of the Gospel to literally the NATIONS! The blog ( has been put to rest as of late as I have been leading teams overseas and been busy, without much internet access. 

The passion came directly from the Lord, and ever since it started, my brain has been itching for finding new ideas to reach the NATIONS that the Lord has given me.

Yesterday, I found myself itching to get my hands on a copy of the Holy Koran (Islamic Holy Book). To be honest, I was wanting to know if I could just walk into a Mosque and ask for an English Koran and walk out with one. This is where my mind was absolutely blown... appalled may seem harsh but I was quite agitated to say the least. Not with the Muslims. But with the Christian Church as a whole. I am by no means wanting to church bash, as I myself am not the biggest fan of it. But if this story would instead Church Motivate.

The story of my visit is as follows:
I start by entering the "back door" of the Mosque grounds. My heart was beating quite hard, and I found myself being super hesitant with each step I took towards the Mosque building. I peek my head inside to see about 15 or so Muslims in prayer. Some make eye contact with me, and as I begin to take a step to go inside, they all have a look of dread come over their faces. Before my foot hits the ground I knew that I was not to walk on the floor with my shoes on. A man comes over to me, and directs me to the other side of the Mosque where I found the "leader" from what I could tell. They then find a person named Joseph in the mosque who becomes a translator for me and the Mosque leader.

They begin by asking me why I am there and what they can do for me. I tell them I am a Christian, who's name is Chris, and I am looking for a copy of the Koran in English so I can read it. They are curious as to why, and I tell them that I am looking for understanding of their beliefs, and that I would love to share with them what I believe if that is something they are interested in. The Mosque leader goes inside to look for an English translation of the Koran, and after 10 minutes or so he comes out and tells me that they unfortunately do not have any English ones, but he will make phone calls until he finds me one.

Another 10 minutes pass and then he tells me, that a Mosque in a town about 5 hours away has one, and they are going to bring it to me right away. He set up a time and place to meet with me later that day, and they invited me to come back to pick it up at 4 that afternoon.

The reason I was set off by the Christian Church in that scenario is that multiple times I have heard churches say, "If you need a Bible, we would be happy to supply you with one." Though "Come back in a few days and we will have one for you" can be sure to follow. Or, "We only have children Bibles at the moment."

I have heard many Christians ask "Why Islam is such a very popular, fast-growing religion?" I think the answer is pretty evident if you are willing to go out and look.
In Africa, the Muslim population offers the impoverished with FREE schooling in many areas. While the most "fine schools for learning" (usually Christian Boarding Schools) cost much more than even many average wage earners could afford. The Muslim community is willing to get the good news (small g) into peoples hands, no matter what the cost or even the struggle of time.

They have proven willing to provide what they can to those who need it (schooling for the poor, scriptures for the "lost"). And they don't shove it in your face, force it down your throat or bash it in your skull. They see peoples needs and make make it evident that they would rather see you "see success" then failure.


Think about it.

Monday, February 14, 2011

As the SUN Drains Us... The SON Fuels Us!

This past week here in Busia has brought many challenges for our team. We dove into door to door evangelism and praying for people in the local hospital. We saw three individuals make the choice to follow Jesus as their personal savior this week. We also saw many people check out of the hospital after having prayed for them only a day earlier.

A project that our contact, Pastor Gideon Wanyama, presented to me this past week, was one that the Lord really placed upon my heart to support.

In Busia, missionary teams from North America and Europe tend to have difficulties when trying to find housing for their ministry team. This month as a team we have been blessed, that a local family has actually moved out of their house for six weeks so we could have a safe place to stay. They are staying at a local Catholic School, and will return home once we leave. Pastor Gideon is looking for the need of someone giving up their house to be something of the past. “By creating a two room missionary house on this (his own) land, we can house future teams for absolutely no cost...” For many mission teams, this means that they can open up their budget to allow for what was originally to be spent for housing, to be put towards community needs. And community needs are abundant!

Today (Feb. 6, 2011) we talked with 12 widows from the community in/around the church. Having had husbands pass away, or in some cases walk away from their relationships, leaving these woman with, in many cases (multiple) children, and the financial burden of providing for their family. The most basic needs like school fees, food, water and a roof over their heads are rarely met. Many of these woman make a living by selling pastries on the street; a wage that most everyone would spit upon in the Western World. By helping provide housing at no cost for future teams, we are able to ultimately allow them to make a more lasting impact on Busia, Kenya altogether.


2000 Bricks = 10000Ksh
12 Bags of Cement = 12000Ksh
2 Loads of Sand = 10000Ksh
Transport and Other Fees = 2000Ksh
Lumber, Nails, R-Bars etc. = 10000Ksh
Labour Costs for Foreman and 2 additional workers = 10000Ksh
Totaling: 54000Ksh = approx. $650

The Lord has made it very clear to me that this housing not only could provide temporary housing for missionary teams, coming from abroad. It would also allow for greater ministry and financial flexibility for these teams.

I am currently trusting that the Lord will pour out the resources that are to be used in this project. I am going to be giving 40,000Ksh ($450 USD) of the funds needed and participate alongside, in the building of this home, and will keep you updated on each detail.

But there's a problem!

I don't have all of the necessary funds to do this. So if you can give, please give to my mom or dad. If you want to give and do not know them, please contact me at and ask how you can get that information.

Be Blessed!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Sorry for the Inconvience

This past Monday there was no blog post due to some unforeseen circumstances. This Monday the problem should be resolved and a blog should be posted. Please remember that THIS IS AFRICA.

Enjoy this Ridiculous Picture as Compensation.

Chris Cave

Friday, February 4, 2011


Hope Eberle, is a participant on the team I am leading here in Africa. In her most recent Blog she share insight that many may never see unless you enter another culture and talk to the people who have been there their entire lives.

"...tonight I was talking to Pastor Charles and he was saying that the problems here in Africa are much different then the problems in the West. It’s not enough to say “Jesus loves you” because those words don’t mean anything here. The need for love isn’t as great as it is in America. People here in Africa know they are loved. No one is lonely because they know and understand their need for community. It’s almost impossible to be lonely here. You can’t even really be alone, trust me I’ve tried. The people here are so incredibly social. Being loved isn’t as revolutionary an idea as it is in the West. If you’re going to walk around here and talk about Jesus and His love you need to have something more to go with it.
They need something big because they have big questions, questions that are hard to ask and even harder to answer.

Is your God big enough to feed my children?
Is your God big enough to bring the rain in this drought?
Is your God big enough to get these voices and evil spirits to quit tormenting me?
Is your God big enough to rid my body of AIDS?

I know what the answer is.
The answer is yes.....


Then why can’t I answer those questions with confidence?..."

We are to be dependent on the Lord. John Piper once said, "Our communication with God is not a personal intercom. It should be used as a wartime walkie-talkie!" Think about that for a moment.

When we put ourselves into the thickness of the war, then we can truly see the Lord show up. He has to! It's like skydiving. If you jump out of a plane, you are dependent that your parachute will open. Is God not more reliable than some fabric and ropes in a backpack?

Why not think about it. Leave a comment below.

On My OneOneSix!

Romans 1:16 - For I am not ashamed of the Gospel (good news) {of Christ,} for it is God's power working unto salvation [for deliverance from eternal death] to everyone who believes {with} a personal trust {and} a confident surrender {and} firm reliance, to the Jew first and also to the Greek

My name is Chris Cave. I am 22 Years old, from Ontario, Canada. I am currently (as of January 2011) working in Africa. Leading a team of college aged individuals through Abandonment, Brokenness, and ultimately closer relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ, as we minister to the sick and poor, and the wealthy and proud. We pray for those who ask for it, and even those who don't. We are becoming more unashamed and undignified by the day, and look to be unrecognizable when we arrive home.

Please feel free to follow and stay updated on our journey. LEAVE COMMENTS and Click on the 'Follow' button to get email updates.

Stay tuned Every Monday for how you can be praying. How you can support the cause, and CRAZY updates on what God is doing each week.