“What is the most resilient parasite? Bacteria? A virus? An intestinal worm? An idea. Resilient and highly contagious. Once an idea has taken hold in the brain, it is almost impossible to eradicate it.”
Leonardo DiCaprio in Inception
The concept of inception (the planting of an idea or series of ideas into ones mind, with the purpose to make them believe that the idea is their own) even happened during the dawn of man.
“Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field that the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman [Eve], “Has God indeed said, ‘You shall not eat of every tree in the garden’?” And the woman said to the serpent, “We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden; but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, ‘You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die’.””
Genesis 3:1-3 (NKJV)
As we all know the serpent lies to the woman saying that ‘the fruit is good, just do it’.
And she does… She eats the fruit.
The woman took the serpent’s idea that ’you would be like God’ and decided that because it seemed accurate enough, that she and her husband should ‘join the herd’. This may be viewed as an extreme example, but I believe that the desires of today are fueled by the desires of the day before. If this was what people at the dawn of the world dealt with, it is not wonder that we are still yoking ourselves to ridiculous ideas and actions.
Whether you think that war is a waste, or becoming vegan is ‘the healthy choice’, if the foundation of those beliefs are taken from somebody else’s foundation, and their foundation, from another.
You are not FOLLOWING the leader.
You are being LEAD by the following.
Facebook is one of the largest time sinks in our society today. Young and old, people spend hours of their day on the internet, ‘making new friends’, ‘joining groups’ and ‘poking’ each other. What do you think about it?
Social: marked by friendly companionship with others. ‘a social cup of coffee’
Companionship: the state of being with someone.
Neglect: willful lack of care and attention.
Dictionary App on Apple iPad
I find it funny that the largest social networking site in the World today, is responsible for the a majority of social inactivity. A company was able to transform companionship into willful neglect.
Growing up in a Christian household I was taught to tithe. Ten percent was what I would usually give. As I ended up making more, I would continue to give that ten percent. But, I soon began to realize that when I gave ten percent, it wasn’t enough. I wanted to give more. So I did.
I more recently decided to give time each day to the Lord. I was determined, that ten percent would be too much and I wasn’t prepared to give that. 2 hours and 40 minutes every day. It seems like a lot to some, and to others you may be thinking, only 2 hours and 40 minutes?. I am working on growing in this discipline currently.
The reason I mentioned this is that, If I was to be logged into facebook, playing videogames, watching television for a couple hours a day. How much time am I leaving aside for God? I use the words ‘leaving aside’, purposefully.
I used to have my computer running, videogames, while the television in the background, would be playing movies. Eight or more hours of each day. I had ‘joined the herd’. Being yoked with the herd, I was being driven away from what I was created for. My purpose. I was tithing more to the herd than to my King.
A blog back I was writing about the whisper of your generation...
What is it? What does it sound like? Are you willing to fight for your whispers to become your warcry?
Don’t sit silently by as you, your friends, your family, and countless others, begin to join the herd. Make the choices that are right for you. Build your foundation with what God is saying. Not what I am saying or some Joe Blow down the street is doing. Challenge yourself and others around you to check your ideas, views and outlooks. Because…
there won’t be facebook in Heaven.